In an unexpected turn of events, a technical glitch in Microsoft’s systems has caused significant disruptions in the aviation sector worldwide. The issue has affected various aviation companies, leading to delays and inconvenience for passengers.
Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing service essential for various industries, including aviation, suffered an outage that led to significant operational issues.
The glitch has resulted in causing delays in flight schedules and leaving passengers stranded.
Due to the outage affecting most airports, passengers were issued hand-written boarding passes.
As the situation evolves the incident has highlighted the heavy reliance of the aviation industry on digital technology and cloud services.
After Microsoft acknowledged the issue and stated that its engineers are working to resolve the problem, it announced that it had resolved its cloud services outage in the Central US region, which had caused the grounding and cancellation of numerous flights.
Furthermore, users also lost the ability to access various 365 apps and services.